This would cover such topics as: curfew, respect to faculty, respect to other students, fighting, wilful destruction of school property, schoolwork, dress, behaviour, physical relations, alcohol, smoking, personal property, etc. Basically, if you wouldn't have gotten away with it at your high school, it is going to be against the rules here.
This is not to say that every teacher is going to enforce every rule. Sometimes it's easier to turn a blind eye to low level rule-breaking: smoking on school property isn't likely to get you more than a finger-wagging, provided you're not smoking in your room, twelve packs a day, or trying to pressure your peers into joining in.
That said, certain rules are going to be hard and fast. Disrespecting any member of staff or disobeying a direct order from one of them will not be tolerated at any time.
If someone feels like writing out a proper Code of Conduct based upon this, feel free!