2015/12/19 - Welcome to Mutant High
Welcome to Mutant High
Participants Brian, Julian, Laura
Synopsis A new student arrives at Xavier's and gets two very different introductions.
Location Foyer - Xavier's School - Westchester
Time December 19, 2015
Posted By Julian

Rule #9: No Banister Surfing.

Which, for the record, is why The Cruz Control himself is already propping himself up on banister and starts the sliding down. It's a fun ride, as can be attested by the smile that's on Brian's face as he rides the wooden waves. But! His eyes are much more focused when he gets to the end and hops off. Stylish sneakers touch the floor and a couple of Nerds find themselves immediately spinning around to go the other way. "Ahem." Brian's fake clearing of the throat doesn't really do much, because they are still trying to get away. Brian leans against the banister and rolls his eyes, sighing. "Fiiiiiiiiine."

Within the next moment, both Nerds are whining as they spin back around and speedwalk right back over to where Brian can toss his arms around both of their shoulders. "Fellas. I've been looking all over for you. You know what's due tomorrow, right?" One of the Nerds is about to answer, but Brian holds up a finger. "Shhhh. I'm talking." The Nerd's head drops. "Better. Look, I know what you guys are going through. You've got a lot on your plates. You've got your own work to do but we have to prioritize here, okay? Stay focused on what's important. Tell yourselves: 'If I don't get this work done, Brian's clients are going to pound me into shapes that we won't be able to get out of.' And trust me, guys, they will. So what say we stop dilly-dallying around the mansion and scoot to our rooms and get those papers done, okay? Great." And Brian's quite happy to release his grip on the little guys, since he's all done making magic happen. Hopefully.

Unbeknownst to those in the foyer, this little scene has not gone unnoticed. At the other side of the foyer, leaning against the doorjam of the library door, which is closed, is a girl. Not just any girl… one of the most volatile girls in the school. Slender arms are crossed over her chest, covered in the sleeves of a long-sleeved t-shirt. Along one sleeve, the word 'MISANTHROPE' runs down it in red block letters. Some death metal band insignia is splashed across the chest, partially faded and also blocked by the crossed arms. Black jeans and Doc Martin boots finish off the look as Laura watches Brian curiously, one eye partially covered by a curtain of long, black locks.

Once he releases his grip on the 'nerds', she clears her throat rather loudly. "A-HEM." She pauses only briefly, then says, "You'd better not let the Hound" a reference to Basset, no doubt, "catch you bullying the younger kids, Brian… she'll have you running laps at 4am around the -lake-." And that lake is huge. There's a brief pause before she pushes herself away from the doorframe to slowly cross the foyer. "Selling tests? Assignment answers? What is it this time?" she queries with some interest, though as always, she seems rather guarded. She's not interested in buying, obviously, having finished her high school component at the school a couple years ago.

Brian is a little busy watching those nerds trundle off to do whatever it is they do when they aren't being bullied by the likes of Cruz Control. As he hears the much better AHEM than his, he immediately plasters a smile on his face and whirls on his heels to face the interloper. Elbows going down to the banister to make himself look as stylish as he possibly can.

"Laurie! Baby! How ya' been? Need somethin'? I got some new Armor All flavored suntan lotion, coming in next week." Snide smirk that's coming up with that statement, before he steeples his fingers in front him. "Don't worry about the Hound. I got her schedule down pat. She's very likely yelling at someone right now. On the other side of the campus." Beam.

The sound of the motorcycle's engine is so loud - especially since its rider takes great joy in gunning in just as he comes speeding up the driveway at an absolutely stupid speed to be driving on a driveway - that its rumbling can be heard even through the heavy wooden doors of the foyer. Followed by a squeal of brakes as he pulls up right in front of the flagstone steps, and perhaps a cry or two of protest from those who were out enjoying the peaceful December day. The bike is left right there in the middle of the drive as Julian Keller dismounts and grabs his small duffel bag from the cargo hold. He's got no helmet, and his stylish (and expensive) leather jacket is a little thin for the upstate weather, but he makes no complaint as he saunters calmly up the steps, surveying his new roost.

Without any hesitation, he opens the door and steps inside, acting for all the world as if he owns the place. While some students might be awed and impressed by the stately mansion upon first sighting, it only gets a cursory look from the dark haired teen, followed by a shrug as if to say, 'it'll do. He's really more interested in the people anyway, and the little crowd already congregated here gets a better study from him. "Hey," he greets without any shyness or hesitation. "Julian Keller. At your service." Already he's heading for Laura as the number one hot chick in the room (sorry Brian), with an outstretched hand and a roguish grin.

Keeping her arms crossed over her chest, the girl replies, "One: after a few years of sharing a building with each other, I'd expect you'd get it through your thick skull that it's LaurA, not LaurIE." She moves to cross the foyer, pausing feet from the would-be smooth talker. "Two: you should know that your sweet-talking bullshit doesn't work on me," she points out with a sweet, but exaggerated grin at him. Then, the expression flattens out again. "I need nothing from you. Don't know where it's been," she comments dully, rolling her eyes. "And really… -flavoured-? Can you be any more sleazy, Brian?" she points out with a bit of a scoff. She might even have a point about the Hound having eyes and ears everywhere, but her response is interrupted by the sound of the machine pulling up out front — in truth, she turns her attentions to the door before it can truly be heard in the school. Yay for super-sensitive ears?

"The hell—?" she comments even as her ears pick up footfalls on the steps… unfamiliar steps. As the doors open, she immediately focuses on the newcomer. There's a quick glance given to Brian, then her gaze refocuses on the other guy. "Welcome to Xavier's… you got an invite?" she asks almost gruffly, keeping her arms crossed over her chest, not making the attempt to shake just yet.

Brian is rolling his eyes the entire time that Laura's running off at the mouth. He's only pretending to listen. There's even the occasional facial expression change that makes it look like he's apologetic for what he said. But then again, it's followed right back up by a sarcastic roll of the eyes. Pushing off the banister, he's about to let the woman have some insults back when the gunning arrival happens.

Brian's eyes travel to the door and watch as the newcomer slides inside. Admiration twinkles at the sight of the jacket, mostly because Brian has one similar. Maybe. Or did he sell one? Whatever. He watches as the newcomer heads for Laura and her attitude gives him just the opening he needs. Not to mention her arms staying crossed.

"Oh please. He doesn't need one, Laurie. He's with me." That would be Brian saying this, as he makes it a point to insult her name once more, while sliding his body between Julian's outstretched hand and Laurie's goth aura. His own hand reaches to take Julian's open hand (can't leave him hanging!) and shake it firmly. "Brian Cruz. Pay no attention to her. She's not worth knowing." Brian flashes a smile. "I, on the other hand, am the only person you need to know. Welcome to Xavier's."

It's quite an introduction to the place! Julian merely smirks at Laura's 'tude-filled question, and from the roguish nature of the smirk, he's about to reply with something either suggestive or downright naughty when Brian jumps in and saves him from getting himself skewered right off the bat. Julian is willing to roll with this change as well, though the suggestive smirk just turns into an affable grin for Brian and Julian shakes the other boys hand, his side of it firm and confident. "Thanks man. Nice to meet you." He leans over so that he can see Laura past Brian's shoulder. "You too, Laurie." His isn't even an attempt to make fun of her name - he just picked up on what Brian called her. In fact, he's amused with himself for knowing her name without her needing to introduce herself. "And people say New Yorkers are cold." So he's clearly from out-of-state.

Laura was already starting to ignore Brian until he totally stepped between her and Julian…and into her personal space. No one does that so blithely and expects not to get a rise out of her. The girl has issues. Not only that, but for a high-school punk to give a college-aged gal such lip and attitude? Screw that noise. The only warning that there might be the scowl on her face. The next second, she's uncurled her arms and jabbing a single fist into Brian's back — right in a kidney. "Chuck you, Farley," she practically growls at Brian as she then steps aside to return her attention to Julian. "The name is -Laura-," she corrects the newcomer quickly enough. "Don't mind him. He's overcompensating for something," she says with a shrug. "I wasn't being rude. Trust me, you'd know if I was. Just this place has kind of a closed-door type of policy when it comes to membership. If you've got an invitation, the door's open. If not, don't let it hit you on the ass on the way out. That's all." She offers up a shrug, apparently still waiting for proof of invitation.

"Oof! Urk!" Both sounds come from Brian after Laura decides she wants to use him as a punching bag. It's pretty painful, even though Brian's muscle tried to stop most of the blow, but the body's bending and he's needing to spin around on his heel to try and stretch it out. "Damn. See what I mean, Julian?" Brian's making sure that he's committing the guy's name to memory. It's always good to do that. "By the way, you owe me one already. I don't take hits for just anybody, you know." His tone is somewhere in the middling of wincing and teasing. "She'll be singing a different tune later on. You can bet on that." Uh oh. Sounds like Cruz Control is already plotting revenge. In some form or fashion. "By the way, /obviously/ he has an invitation. This isn't exactly the kind of place you just GPS because you're bored." Eyes move from Laurie to Julian. "You didn't GPS us, did you?" And then there's a wave of his hand, as if he shouldn't have even asked such a stupid question. Eyes over to Laura. "He's good peoples. Him and I? We go way back to two minutes ago." Attention back to Julian. Beam. Still in pain, but beam.

"Wow, violent," Julian blinks as Laura punches Brian. "You are a bit of a schizo chick, aren't you?" He eyes Laura carefully before deciding, "It's kinda hot." Of course it is. Still, with a jerk of his head, he indicates maybe Brian ought to get himself out of swinging distance. "Believe me, I wouldn't be here if my choices weren't being limited to this or military school." He begins to get a grin again, the sort that these two will only come to learn too well. "Of course, if you need some sort of proof…" There's a pause for dramatic effect before his person begins glowing green… and then shoots up off the ground, coming to a hovering stop a few feet above their heads. Maybe a little too close for Laura's comfort, but he'd like to see her hit him up here. "So what's a guy got to do to get a room around here?" he inquires casually, the floating clearly not taking much effort for him. And he's really enjoying the showing off way too much.

"Wow, violent," Julian blinks as Laura punches Brian. "You are a bit of a schizo chick, aren't you?" He eyes Laura carefully before deciding, "It's kinda hot." Of course it is. Still, with a jerk of his head, he indicates maybe Brian ought to get himself out of swinging distance. "Believe me, I wouldn't be here if my choices weren't being limited to this or military school." He begins to get a grin again, the sort that these two will only come to learn too well. "Of course, if you need some sort of proof…" There's a pause for dramatic effect before his person begins glowing green… and then shoots up off the ground, coming to a hovering stop a few feet above their heads. Maybe a little too close for Laura's comfort, but he'd like to see her hit him up here. "So what's a guy got to do to get a room around here?" he inquires casually, the floating clearly not taking much effort for him. And he's really enjoying the showing off way too much. (repose)

As soon as Brian mentions anything that sounds remotely threat-like, Laura turns on him with a glare. "Seriously, Brian… fuck off. You're pissing me off now," she says in a low, nearly growling tone. "Unless you seriously want me to tell the Hound that you were harassing the kids to do your dirty work so you could sell homework around the school — again — and so you'll be running laps around the lake for a week at 4am, I suggest you get out of my face. -NOW-." She usually doesn't tattle. She's a bit of a shit-disturber herself. But Brian's -really- been pissing her off as of late and she's getting tired of it. "Either that, or maybe we'll see how your expensive wardrobe looks on you after I run through it…" Brian should know, if not Julian, that she means after her claws run through it. She then turns her attentions back to Julian, fixing him with a bit of a glare after he calls her violent tendencies 'hot'. But then, as he gives his little demonstration, her dark eyebrows lift slightly. Colour her impressed? Or perhaps relieved that she doesn't have to bounce his ass out of the school herself. "Well… looks like you've got an invitation. So… welcome to Mutant High," she says, actually trying not to sound as cross as she was moments before.

Brian is at a strange place right now. Somewhere in the middle of needing to stand his ground to showoff for the New Guy and also needing to stay alive. So it's a very fine line that he has to try and worry about at this particluar moment. Which is becoming rapidly clear. Luckily, he's got some Spanish to fall back on and whatever he calls her is not nice, but not mean enough to get him dead (just in case she speaks Spanish) and he's already focusing on more important matters. "You're in luck. I happen to be the Xavier's School for Wannabe Brians Official Resident Advisor. Normally, we have to shack up. But I can get you your own personal space. Not a problem. It's what I do." Brian glares at Laura, before he goes into his back pocket for his phone. Flipping it sideways, he works on pulling up the room database he has, so that he can figur out who he has to move around. Or kick out.

"Hey doll, snitching isn't cool," Julian informs Laura, quite secure in his own personal safety, since he is still hovering just beyond her reach. And then something else twigs, and he looks to Brian. "You're the guy who'll hook me up with finished homework? Cool, item one off my list, already." Brian gets a winning grin. "Mutant High. Guess at least I don't have to worry about getting kicked out of this one because I'm a freak. I'll just have to find a different reason." Brian gets his attention then, and Julian begins to lower himself smoothly back down to the ground, peering curiously at the phone. "Sweet. Chicks always get shy around roommates." And there might be a meaningful glance at Laura with that.

Shaking her head, Laura continues to shoot a glare at Brian off and on. She's not sure what he called her, but she also isn't sure that she cares too much. He's backed off from being all up in her grill for the time being and that's really all that matters to her. And since that's the case, she, too, backs down. Fair is fair. She won't kick him when he's 'down', so to speak. Not unless eh continues to provoke her. Clearing her throat a little, she snorts and adds, "The Professor, if he's expecting you, would have already set up your living arrangements. Don't let this guy fool you out of your money — he can't actually get you a personal room." She shoots Brian another glare, then adds, "But whatever. What happens in the boys' dorms, I couldn't give a rat's ass." Shoving her hands in her pockets, she turns her attentions back to Julian fully again and rolls her eyes. Clearly, she's unimpressed. "Great. Two of a kind. You're made for each other." No, she's not even going to 'go there' with the whole roommate and chicks comment. "Seems you're in good hands, Julian. Enjoy." She then turns on her heel, apparently ready to stalk toward the kitchen, perhaps. She has to pick her battles, right?

Brian is scrolling through the phone. "She's right. The Professor did secure your living arrangements." Brian holds up the phone to showoff his spreadsheet. "Apparently, we're roommates." Brian lets that hang in the air, since he's not too sure how he feels about such a thing, nor is he wanting to let Julian think he's happy or not happy about it. He'll just let it be what it is. "The important thing is that you don't have to spend a dime when you're hanging with me. I've got this school wired, Bro." And he kind of watches as Laura turns to head off, only to lift his voice (not that he needs to) for her to hear it. "If /some/ people would just embrace my talents, instead of being a HATER, maybe they too could reap the benefits of Cruz Control!" The phone is flipped back rightside up, screen locked and pocketed. "Come on. I'll show you where the magic happens. And I'll even give you a list of the most avaialble chicks on campus." Another beam. Man, he smiles a lot.

"Hey man, that's cool," Julian replies, apparently largely indifferent to ending up with a roommate after all. Brian seems cool enough, anyway. "We can just work out some sock on the doorknob signal." Simple as that. "We used ties in the last place, but thank God this one doesn't have those horrible uniforms." Back on solid ground once more, he readjusts his duffel bag, turning to watch Laura stalk off. "See you 'round, sweetheart." Back to Brian with a knowing grin. "Love it when they play hard to get." It's not really intended for Laura to hear - though he probably wouldn't care if he knew that she could. "Sure man, lead on then."

Laura doesn't even look back, apparently deciding she doesn't want to pick another fight or perhaps that this one is a losing battle anyway. Oh, she's heard everything that has been said, even the 'play hard to get' comment. She just chooses not to acknowledge it. It doesn't take long for her to stalk across the foyer and slip behind the swinging door of the kitchen.

"Barking up the wrong tree there, Julian. Total lesbian." Brian just says this with a smile, before turning to lead Julian off in the direction of the rooms. "By the way, let me know as soon as you get your schedule. We can get you caught up faster than a speeding bullet." Brian may be laying it on a little thick, but that could have something to do with the fact that he's already found this Julian guy to be something of a kindred spirit. This is going to be a good rest of the year, as far as he's concerned.

"Really? Well, I'm sure it wouldn't be the first time I got a chick to switch teams," Julian replies with merely a 'huh' expression and a careless shrug. His bag isn't really heavy, and he's been carrying it without complaint all this time, but as they head for the stairs, mostly as an excuse to show off, he opts to float it along behind them, encased in that same green aura. "Sure, I'll keep you posted. Just don't make my grades too good or my parents won't believe it. Last time I got an A, they totally accused me of cheating. I mean, I was, but they didn't know that. Some trust."

"Relax. I've been at this since I got here. I'll have your parents eating out of my hand before they even know they're doing it." Brian's all about the showing off too. Since, well, that's the best thing to do in these situations. He can't really showoff his own ability, without ending up alone. Which is always a bad thing when it comes to his own personal feelings. But let's not go down that dark road. Not yet. "Oh! And there's a couple girls I've already got dibs on. I've had to put a little work in. But once I'm done, I'll send 'em your way. Sound good?"

"Yeah right. Good luck with that. I could become President and they'd just wonder who I killed to get there. Keep 'em off my back and I'll be happy." Julian's tone remains light and casual, but perhaps a little more forced to be so. "Don't worry about it, man. Not into sloppy seconds. Sure there's enough babes to go around. Just point 'em out and I'll try to lay off the charm. Can't help it if their panties burst into flame when they see me though," he adds with an impish grin. "And if we run out of chicks here, we'll just have to hit the city." He's itching to get into Manhattan ever since he heard how bad it was.

Brian actually stops at this very moment in his walking. Something has been mentioned that he's been wanting to do lately. "… Why wait?" is asked as soon as he whirls his head back to look at Julian. Mostly, well, because he's needed a wingman ever since he got here, those years ago. It's hard being the King of the School and having no one worthy or awesome enough to keep up with him. "We can throw your stuff in the room and take a little field trip right now. Might as well have some fun before you get stuck dealing with professors and meeting the entire school." Grin.

That gets a grin out of Julian as well, though he ends up nearly walking into Brian as the other boy stops walking ahead of him. "I'd be down for that," he agrees, oh-so-casually. "Do it before I get bogged down here, yeah. I like the way you think." He nods approvingly. "Just show me where to dump this, and we can go. I've got my bike just outside, unless you've got wheels?" And probably a good idea to get the bike out of the middle of the drive anyway, before someone gets annoyed with it being in the way.

"Do I have wheels? he says. Does Brian Cruz have wheels?" The scoffing laugh is given as Brian reaches out to throw an arm around the shoulder of Julian and continues leading him off towards his room. Brian just shakes his head. "Does the word 'Ferrari' mean anything to you?" Oh brother. Who's car is he going to steal this time? Borrow! Not steal. Borrow!

To be continued…

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