2016/01/15 - Proportional Response
Proportional Response
Participants Brian Julian Kitty Lorna
Synopsis A fight breaks out between the happy scholars over a little bit of playful thievery.
Location Xavier School
Time January 15, 2016
Posted By Lorna

Well it's Friday night, Lorna ain't got nobody. She got some money cuz' she just got paid…

No wait a minute that's the wrong song and the details are completely wrong. As the light fall of new snow drifts past the window, the green haired young woman sits at the window laughing and texting with one of her friends from the city. She'd decided against making the drive since the roads were a mess from other people driving into each other and besides, the company at school could be better than that in the city.

For the moment, she has the common room to herself. That's relatively uncommon in such a busy place. Thankfully most of the students are out doing whatever it is they do on Friday night. Right now? It's sledding on one of the many little hills combined with a campfire, hot chocolate and roasted marshmallows. All Martha Stewart style.

You paged Julian with 'Kitty comes tumbling into the common room from the ceiling. Luckily she managed to gauge her position right so that she lands right onto the couch. "Oof!" She gasps as the air rushes out of her on impact. She's clutching something to her chest that is hard to make out and even more so once she sets herself into motion again. Already breathless from what seems like running, she rolls off the couch and phases right through it so that she's hiding, literally, in the couch. Then, she pokes her head out and stares right at Lorna and puts a finger to her lips. "Shhh! I'm not here." Whether Lorna is up for playing with this game or not is up to her, but as far as Kitty is concerned, that is that. Her head disappears back into the arm of the couch so that it's impossible to see her.'.

Footsteps. Footsteps of Mega Speed. That's right, well, not exactly Mega Speed because Brian doesn't have that ability, but he's mostly just kind of getting his jog on. A brisk jog, to be perfectly honest. He has himself practically leaping down the stairs and suddenly he's speeding past the Common Room. And wait, then the brakes are slammed on and he's rushing back and throwing himself into the room. "KITTY! When I find you, you're so dead!" That's pretty much all he has to say, even though he's also quite ignoring the Lorna that's in here at the moment. He's much more worried about getting himself around the room to look for signs of the thief.

And it's onto this scene of chaos that Julian comes sauntering in so casual-like. He's got his jacket on, suggesting he's either coming or going, but the ruckus is enough to draw him into the common room. Crossing his arms over his chest, he leans a shoulder up against the wall, watching his roomie search the room. There's an amused and somewhat curious grin for that. Lorna is spotted, that green hair hard to miss, and she gets a nod in greeting before he straightens to start strolling in that direction. This must be where the audience sits. "What I miss?" is asked to the room at large.

Lorna is quite surprised when Kitty comes right through the ceiling and disappears right into the couch and it's quite obvious from the gaping look that the younger brunette receives. She tries to recover from the shock when another little bleep comes through from her phone but her eyes slide between the phone and the arm of the sofa as she tries to concentrate on an answer. "Uhm… okay." she says a small smile forming on her lips. She's not quite sure why the phasing teen is hiding, but around this place? It has to be good.

At Brian's arrival, she quickly looks back to her phone and seems to be concentrating on what should be coming through on her phone any second now. Julian? Well he gets a wide smile and then a shrug. "I don't know, really. I'm just sitting here gossiping with my friends." Presumably by text message since she's sitting all alone. "Are you going out or just coming back?"

Inside the couch, Kitty is holding her breath. That's really the only way to keep herself phased. It's hard to not giggle at the bellowing of Brian and his retort, she'd just phase through anything he'd attempt to throw at her. But, the point, really, is just to tease the young man and not have him attempt physical harm on her. Still inside the couch, she just stays where she is, waiting to see what the other student plans to do in order to get back whatever it is she stole from him.

"Witch!" That's Brian. Being pissed off. He's still running around the room, kicking over tables and shoving things out of the way. Granted, he doesn't throw anything that he likes or even tries to play with some times. His focus is on the area around the sofa, because he's not even thinking about the brat's ability. "Just… I'm gonna'…" After making his way over to the pool table, Brian growls. "Okay. Just… give it back and I promise I won't kill you. I'll just, punch you a little. For twelve hours." He throws the cue ball off in a random direction. "In the face!"

Julian takes up a leaning pose on the wall next to where Lorna is sitting, continuing to watch Brian beat up the common room. To Lorna's question, he shrugs a shoulder. "I couldn't take anymore. I think they might start singing kumbayah any minute now." That would be the more wholesome students out enjoying their sledding and campfire. "Thought I might head into the city. Though … this is looking up." He nods towards his fellow teen, currently threatening violence on the room. He could always just ask whom Brian isn't going to kill and why, but that'd take half the fun out of it. Taking his gaze from Brian for a moment, he impishly leans over, trying to get a peek at Lorna's text messages. "Telling them all about the studs you go to school with?" he suggests.

Looking over to Brian, Lorna lofts an eyebrow toward the ceiling and shakes her head. "What did she take? You lucky shorts?" With a large sigh, she swings her legs off the windowseat and touches her toes tot he floor, setting her phone down in the process. It looks as though she's fully prepared to clean up after Brian, but then the compulsion to be lazy again gets the better of her and she leans back against the cool pane of glass at her back. When Julian addresses her she quirks her lips into a devious grin and shakes her head. "What studs? All the eligible bachelors are all old." Then she picks up her phone to show the boy her phone. "We're talking about the latest episode of our favorite show and wondering who they're going to get to guest star next week. I was thinking about auditioning for a bit part or something just to get on."

See, that's where Kitty has the one up on Brian. She knows what his power is and it's weakness. Luckily, if she can just stay out of range of him, she'll have a chance. And while she's tucked into the sofa, she's safe. She's running out of air, though, so she's waiting for a good time to take a quick breath. When she hears him knock over a table on the opposite side of the room, her head pokes out of the back of the sofa to take a quick breath and then she's back into it. Seeing that Julian has joined Lorna, she gives them both a wink and grin. Even if they tell Brian where she is, she can still phase.

"I hate this school!" Brians's anger is rising. He's managed to get himself too upset and worked up over this. So much so that he hasn't even thought about the damn sofa. Why would he? He's in a blind rage. "I can't believe you're just going to STAND there while there are thieves running around!" Of course, those words are being tossed all over Lorna and Julian. And then he's stomping his way off towards the door. "I'm telling the Professor!" That's his last straw!

"What studs? What studs?" Julian repeats, feigning injury that she doesn't immediately recognize the studs he's talking about. "Auditioning? That's cool. Maybe I'll get you to autograph something of mine." Perhaps some part of his anatomy, who knows! But he's saved from continuing on in that vein when Kitty suddenly peeks up from the couch, catching his attention. Aha, it's all making, well, a little more sense now. He glances down at Lorna to see if she knew this all along. He's just finding some amusement when Brian starts getting himself all worked up. "Hey man. Calm down. Take a breath. Whatever she took, it can't be all that bad…" He's pushing away from the wall now, to go trailing after Brian. "You know it just means she's into you." To Julian, pretty much everything ever means a girl is into him, so it only serves to follow.

Casting a quick glance toward Julian, Lorna's face is riddled with guilt. "What did she take? Seriously, you don't have to get so riled up about it. Gosh, you're madder than a hornet trapped in a honey jar." Apparently his anger and frustration about the subject is getting the Iowan a little upset as well. She walks past the sofa, giving it a little kick as though to signal 'game over.' She's not giving up one of the girls if she comes out voluntarily, right? "Come on and sit down on the couch with me. We can figure this out without bugging the Professor. Yeah maybe Julian's right… she's just that into you."

If there was anything that the two of them could say that would make Kitty reveal herself, it would definitely be that she has a crush on someone. Her head pokes up through - literally - the cushions and she just sticks out her tongue. "Oh, please. That is so not what this means. You're delusional," she tells Julian. The little kick jolts the couch, which makes her head wobble just a bit and she gives a bit of a glare at Lorna, even if it has no real heat to it. Of course, that means she's revealed herself now and so she backs herself out of the couch and crosses her arms. One of her hands is still clutched around whatever it is she stole from Brian that has him so worked up. "You're so sensitive, geez."

The only reason Brian is even still in the room is because, apparently, everyone's trying to stop him from telling. Hey, nobody ever stops anybody else from telling. But noooooo. When it's Brian's turn to get someone in trouble, the entire school seems to be against him. There's some glaring that happens from one face to the other and then to the Kitty face. "Give it." is all he has to say, holding out his hand and then realizing that it's shaking like crazy right about now. He's /really/ upset. He's even trying to hold his voice steady. He'll calm down when things are back in his possession.

"Uh, not delusional," Julian replies to Kitty, holding up his index finger as though this whole blatant crush thing is just going to have to hold on one second. "I don't know what you took, but I think you should just give it back over." He's, frankly, a little thrown by how upset Brian is by all this. He's only really seen the other boy when he's in good spirits. "Right? She'll give it back, and we'll all just calm down." He reaches out to clap Brian reassuringly on the shoulder. "No big deal." He cuts a quick glance aside to Lorna, his eyes widening just a bit. What the hell did he miss?

Giving Julian a shrug, Lorna turns toward Kitty and makes a nervous little face that kind of goes along with the sound effect of 'gleep!' "I don't think I've seen anyone that mad since I accidentally walked through an anti-mutant protest." She moves back toward the window seat and alights on it, tucking her legs underneath her. Picking up her phone, she fires off a quick text and then tosses the phone back on the cushion. "Or maybe that time my sister walked in on my parents… they were pretty mad. Or maybe…" Then she blushes a little and quiet down. There might be a story there somewhere.

Opening the palm of her hand, Kitty reveals what she took from Brian. It's a cellphone. With her other hand on her hip, she holds it out for Brian to take. At least she's not tossing it to him. That would risk dropping and breaking it. She's still primed and ready for him to attempt to tag her, so she'll phase if she needs to. "I'm sorry, I was just having a bit of fun. I didn't mean to make you so angry." She didn't realize that the cellphone was so important to the other man. Blatant crush thing? She rolls her eyes at Julian and shakes her head. This is not about crushing, it's about finding something to do. She was bored. Then, Lorna's comment distracts her. "She, wait, what?"

Brian is more worried about the phone than he is revenge. Why does everyone seem to pick on him?! He's just trying to be the cool guy that helps everyone do whatever they need to do. He's practically sliding across the floor to snatch his phone from Kitty. And then he's kind of ignoring all of them to head over to the side, away from them, to check his phone for damages. He flips it open and starts scrolling through things. "Just… look. Sorry. My phone is my life." Brian does offer some kind of mumbled apology for flipping out.

Julian finds it a little anti-climactic, all this over a phone. But he's not about to point that out, and even does a reasonable job keeping his disbelief from his expression. "Okay, well, problem solved. I vote we all just kiss and make up." Hey, the ratio is right; it would be a shame to pass up such an opportunity. He heads over towards the couch to flop down onto it, before looking up at Lorna, eyebrows raised. "Yeah, do go on," he agrees with Kitty, finding new amusement in that little tidbit of gossip.

Looking over at Kitty, Lorna gives her a shocked albeit innocent expression. "What?" Then her eyes flicker back and forth as she filters back through the conversation and purses her lips a little. "Oh, you mean when my sister walked in on my parents?" Anyone that has been around the school for more than a year would have seen Lorna's mother during one of her many visits. She's a rather large woman, hardy farm stock and her father isn't too much different. "Well I don't think they would have been too upset except she was so grossed out she took a picture on her phone and sent it to all her friends. Poor mom and dad… I mean they were the laughing stock of all the kids in Osceola forever. I think there's still copies floating around."

"…" Kitty just stares at Lorna for awhile at the story. She's too distracted to even make a face at Julian's suggestion. The two women are both years older than the two of them and she seems to fancy the elder men at the school when she isn't studying. "She what? Ew." The last thing she wants to think about is her parents doing—-oh god, and now the image is in her head and she quickly puts her hand on her head to try and block the image. If only she could mess with minds and wipe that from her brain.

Brian is still paying attention to his phone. He may or may not be listening to the conversation going on at the other side of the room, just to make sure that he has some information for use later. Whatever the case, he's not about to let it on. He finally feels that his phone is safe and sound, tucking it away into his pocket again, before he just kind of relaxes against the wall he's chosen to hide up against. "Maybe if your Dad could keep it in his pants, it wouldn't have happened." Mumbling comes from the Brian. Too far? Maybe?

"Man, that's messed up," Julian laughs appreciatively for that level of mayhem and mischief. After all, they aren't his parents, and he hasn't been around long enough to see Lorna's parents, so no doubt his mental picture of this falls far from the mark. He doesn't seem to be thrown that his suggestion about kissing has been so summarily ignored. But Brian's mumble earns a glance, and Julian arches an eyebrow. "…Right. So who all is bored? Because I'm bored. I think we need to do something." If you move on quickly enough, it's like it never happened, right?

Shrugging at Kitty's comment Lorna goes back to her seat at the window and grips up her phone. When Brian pipes up, her jaw tenses for a moment, but she lets the slight slide. He's been angry and picking at him in his current state is likely not a good idea. After all, she put the story out there to get all of their minds off the incident. Julian's suggestion earns a smile from the green haired woman and she points toward the kitchen. "You should make us some Ten Pound Betties and we can eat until we're fat… or get sent on a five mile run."

Brian's comment earns a frown from the brunette, but it also means that she's no longer thinking about walking in on her parents having sex. Kitty shivers again and then focuses on Julian. Bored is why she stole Brian's phone and sort of set off all this craziness. "I'm listening, if you've got an idea." If he doesn't, well, she can find other things to do, too.

"Right. Well. I'm out." Brian pushes off the wall and once again moves towards the door. "Don't uh… clean this stuff up. I'll do it later." See? He's trying to make it all better. Kind of. But he's not going to be involved with anything that may involve the culprit that pissed him off in the first place. "I've got uh…. homework." Lies.

Julian shrugs when it's put to him to come up with something. "I was planning on heading into the city. But you guys are the experts. Anything cool to do around here?" Hopefully something that doesn't involve campfire songs, is his thinking. Brian gets a look from him, his eyebrows going up a bit. "You sure, man? We could do with your expertise here…" But, for once, Julian isn't being all that pushy.

"There's a great party in Brooklyn going on." Lorna volunteers, "I got a text about it with the address, it's in Williamsburg. Mutant friendly." All of her invitations are mutant friendly considering she's only able to hide herself with a wig or a bald head. She holds up her cell phone with the text message ready and waiting. "If anyone's interested… I was thinking about going but the roads are a little slick but I can carry someone if we want to go that way."

With a frown, Kitty crosses her arms in front of her and watches Brian. "Look, I'm sorry I stole your phone. I didn't know it was going to make you that angry." She already apologized, she does sound like she means it. She knew it was going to be annoying, but that was the point - to liven things up. She didn't realize he would freak out that much about it. "If you need help with your homework sometime, let me know, I'll help to make it up to you." If he accepts the offer, that is. As for singing campfire songs, she wrinkles her nose. "No, I wasn't thinking of anything like that. I'm not exactly an expert. I just got here this year, still learning all the ropes." She frowns. "I've gotta stay in the building. You two should go, though."

Brian just kind of shrugs and waves in the direction of the gang "I'm not really up for partying right now. Besides, it'll be much easier for you two to fly over there and do your thing. Never let it be said that Brian Cruz doesn't sacrifice his own happiness for the Dating Game." And with that, he's heading on out of the room. He's got some business (and evil plotting) to get to.

"Dude, yes. A party," Julian replies, all over that idea. But then the other two go all wet-blanket and he frowns a bit, pushing to his feet. "Well, fine, I guess." He shrugs his shoulders, turning his attention back to Lorna. "Some people just don't know how to have fun." He makes a mental note to check in with Brian later, but for now, he's more about this idea of wild partying fun. "So… What's this carrying involve?" There's an impish grin with that. Hey, she doesn't need to know he's fully capable of flying himself.

Giving the teen a dubious look, Lorna purses her lips and then narrows her eyes a little. "You and me at a party? Okay, you know, that could be fun. You have an ID?" She walks over to him and places her hand under his chin, turning his face from side to side. "Ehh.. you can't pass for twenty one, but I might be able to get you in anyway. Would you mind if I touched you up a little?" Is she seriously planning on putting him in makeup? Yes. She is. "Are you sure you don't want to come Brian?" She calls out after the other teen with the awesome dreads. He looks a little younger, but with any luck she could work some magic and get them both in. "It'll be a great party! There's supposed to be some models there! Victoria's Secret!" If that doesn't work, nothing will.

"Do I have ID," Julian repeats, scoffing that she would even doubt such a thing. "Both in and out of state, doll." He's quite all right with her giving him such a close study, but his eyebrows go up at the idea of wearing makeup. "I really don't think that will be necessary." Come on, he's totally all grown up. Without pulling his head out of her grip, he cants his eyes sideways towards where Brian had exited, to see if Lorna's attempts have had any luck. Looking back to her, he offers her an incorrigible grin and shrugs his shoulders. "Guess you're stuck with me. The models thing, is that for real?" He tries not to sound too hopeful.

"Yeah, there should be some there." Lorna replies, studying his face very closely. Would he actually pass for legal? He's got something of a rugged look to him, but really? "You better not embarrass me while we're there, or I'm totally ditching you. For real." The green haired woman warns him, her tone of voice is quite serious. Finally she lets loose his face and walks to the window seat to grip up her cell phone and shoot off another text. "Okay, go get ready and I'll take you. I'm going to consider this my one favor, if you hook up with a model, I'm completely off the hook for owing you."

Julian laughs at that absurd notion. "I'm not going to embarrass you! This isn't exactly my first party." He rearranges his features into some semblance of an angelic expression. "I will be on my best behaviour." The effect is ruined just slightly by the wicked grin at the end. He starts walking backwards towards the staircase. "Doll, you help me hook up with a model, and it is totally even," he vows, pointing a finger at her and nodding, before he turns to face front again. He's not quite so uncool as to run up the stairs, but he's not dallying either. Not when there are models waiting for him.

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