2016/01/03 - Fishing
Participants Gambit, Kitty
Synopsis It's all in the cards.
Location Boar's Head
Time January 3, 2016
Posted By Gambit

Ah, the Boar's Head. The greatest place on Earth. Well, not really. It's actually just one of the worst places on Earth. But not for someone as talented as Remy LeBeau. The man that has come to be known as Gambit in this particular building. He's standing at one of the limited tables, shuffling some cards, as a crowd starts to gather around him. "Okay, ladies an' gents! Who wanna' play wit' Gambit, huh? I need three volunteers dat don' mind losin' dey money t' da' prettiest gambler dis side o' de Mississippi…" Oh brother. It's Poker Time.

Poker time? This is something new for Kitty. All her life in Illinois, she was always the good girl who studied and stayed in and went to bed on time. But, her life has changed and she has decided to live it up a little. Or as much as an eighteen year old can. She's not in her normal jean and sweater - tonight she's decided to dress up like she imagines the people in Manhattan dress like when they go out. As such, she's wearing a short skirt and a nice sweater. Not exactly how the patrons of the Boar's Head dress, she sticks out a little and it's making her uncomfortable. To bypass the bouncer at the front door, she phased in through the back - where she imagines it's dark and easy to miss someone who has just appeared out of nowhere. With a look to the left and the right, she tries to see if anyone has noticed her appearance in the corner. Luckily, most people seem to be focused on the man with the accent. She smirks just slightly.

"Oh, don' be shy! Come on! It jus' a friendly game o' poker!" The card shuffling becomes even more insane, as Remy starts flipping cards from one hand to the other, whilst looking around the room to see if there's anyone stupid enough to come down and risk their cash in a game against his perfection. He frowns a little bit and flips a card up onto his finger, balancing it for a moment. "Jus' t'ink o' all de money you could make!" When nobody steps up, still, Gambit slams the cards all back together into the deck. "Okay, fine. Gambit do y'all one more favor. Gambit even let you pick de game!"

She hasn't been noticed! The spectacle of Gambit and his cards has done her a favor and it makes Kitty feel a little reckless. She doesn't know how to play poker, and she certainly doesn't think she can beat anyone who can shuffle and flip cards like that. But, she's curious, and also a bit of a smart mouth. From the back of the room, she says - not very loudly, but audibly - "Go fish." Whether that's her offering a game that she'll bet on with him or not is up for debate. But, she can't help but smile at the image of this serious gambler betting on a child's game.

Gambit's eyes are in the process of rolling before the words are finished. But he's never been one to go back on his word. "Go fish it is!" Gambit pulls his chair out and spins it round, looking off in the direction of the girl that blurted it out in the first place. "Come on down an' take a seat! We'll see if we can't play de first interestin' game o' Go Fish in de history o' card playin'." Gambit winks for a moment, before dropping down to straddle over his chair. Once again those hands get to shuffling those cards just as easy as this man's breathing.

That doesn't mean that Kitty thought she was going to play. She hesitates for a moment, debating the pros and cons of going through with this or not. Though she steps forward, she doesn't look completely convinced of playing quite yet. "I wasn't actually saying you had to. I just was making a suggestion." Plus, she doesn't really have much money to bet. "I'm not really into gambling. Especially with someone who obviously thinks he can win, if he's challenging everyone in the bar to a game." It's hard to rig Go Fish, but it's not impossible. And she has little enough money to spare. "Not that I don't doubt that you could make Go Fish interesting."

"Oh, come on, petit. Jus' one hand. Gambit gettin' bored playin' Shuffle." Gambit frowns a little bit. The frown immediate turns into something of a pout of cuteness that may or may not work on girls that think with their brains. He really needs to get into some action soon or he's going to go completely insane. This is what happens when Professional Thieves don't have anything to go and steal. Gambit slides all the cards together and plops the deck right down on the other side of the table, across from him. "I'll even let you deal." There we go. It's got to be hard to cheat when he's not even dealing, right?!

One would think, but Kitty also doesn't believe his innocence. Sliding into a seat, she takes the cards skeptically and fans them out in front of her, just making sure that they're all there and there aren't any funny cards. Satisfied, she does a quick shuffle - certainly not as good as Gambit's, but it gets the job done. She deals out seven cards for each of them and then puts the deck in the middle. Before she picks up her pile, she puts her hand over it and raises an eyebrow at him. "You haven't stated the bet."

"Dat's on you, girl." Gambit says, pulling his cards into his hand and fanning them out a bit. He shows no signs of good or bad. Gambit's face is always a poker face, even if he's smirking like he's already won this game. Which may be quite possible. "Gambit don' wanna' take all your lunch money." Ooooh. Apparently, LeBeau already can tell that this girl's a little bit younger than she should be. But with a profession like his, he doesn't have any room to talk.

With a smirk like that, it's hard for Kitty to do anything but smirk right back. And growing up a smart kid in as mall town, she's had a lot of practice in it. Though she blushes at the comment, since she does look even younger than she is, she replies with a touch of snark, "I can handle the bullies who try to take it." She hasn't picked up her cards yet and she thinks over what she can take from him. Eyeing the bar, she adds, "How about a drink?" Because it'll certainly be easier to get one if he's buying for her. It's not very imaginative, but she doesn't think she will win against him anyway.

"I ain't a real big fan o' da' drink. But tell you what Gambit gonna' do for you." Gambit sets his cards down and plants his hands on the table. "You win? Gambit get you a nice Shirley Temple." Gambit's banking on this girl not knowing her drinks, after all. "But if, by some miracle, I happen t' take dis hand, den you jus' write me out a li'l IOU." Remy leans onto the table a bit. "I may be a lotta' t'ings, but a bully ain't one o' dem."

"An IOU for what?" Kitty frowns and looks up a little at Gambit. Even sitting down, he's taller than her - it doesn't really help her whole 'being over 21' look, but she hopes people won't question her once she's inside - and she fixes him with a stare. "I know what a Shirley Temple is." She's a smart girl. "I'd prefer a…" she flounders for a moment, thinking over what she knows. "A Cosmopolitan. If I win, of course." As for him being a bully, she thinks for a moment and shrugs. "I don't know who you are." So she can't know if he's a bully or not.

Gambit smiles a bit, pulling his hands back over his cards and gathering them back up into a fanned hand that allows him to see his hand. This thing is practically in the bag already. "Not'ing outrageous. Who knows. Maybe I'll need a favor someday. Gambit always say it better t' have friends in all places, den it is t' not have any." Gambit takes a second to look at his cards. "You sure you can handle a Cosmo. I mean, pretty li'l t'ing like you ain't but so big." Aww, maybe he's trying to look out for her in some crazy round about way.

Maybe he is, but Kitty thinks she can pretty well handle herself. And she doesn't like to agree to open ended promises that she'll have to fulfill some day. "Look, I'll agree to play this for an IOU, but I get to have some caveats of my own. I can not do it if I want. It wouldn't be very friendly of you to make me do anything I didn't want to. Though it only really matters if I lose." Then she picks up her cards and snorts. "You aren't so much bigger yourself and you can handle yourself pretty well, I'd assume."

Gambit actually raises an eyebrow at these antics. He can't believe this girl in here talking like this. Maybe she got her head on straight after all. "Fair is fair, girl. You jus' pick a card, 'cause from where I sittin', you may not get another chance." There's a wink that follows his challenging words, as he holds up his cards in an almost victorious manner. "Less, you wanna' give in now, take ya' loss an' keep ya' pride?" Oh look. He's offering her a way out. Isn't that so nice of him?

With a a snicker, Kitty has no qualms with picking a card from him. He's offering and she doesn't want to be in his debt. While she has her pride, she figures that it'll hurt even more to have to lose. "Have I accidentally sat down with the world's champion Go Fish player?" Putting the card in with her other one, she arranges them according to her own preferences and shakes her head as she concentrates. "It doesn't help my pride to run off with my tail tucked between my legs, does it?" Nice, ha. He's being boastful.

"You're cute when you t'ink you gonna' win." Gambit remarks, before smiling again. He's been trying to give her multiple chances to get out of this. But now he's going to make it look even better, in regards to those that are watching. "Y'know, I'll even do you one better, girl. How 'bout dis. You win? You get da' Cosmo. I win? You get da' Cosmo." That's not really a bet. Or is it? "Only t'ing I ask, is dat if I win, you come back an' play wit' me sometime." Since nobody else in this boring bar wants to play with him anymore!

Kitty is cute other times as well, but she's not here to flirt with some card shark. That just sort of happened by accident. Now she looks over her cards at him skeptically. "Why?" Because she just met him and he seemed very interested in betting people - now he's trying to get rid of that bet. Whenever it looks like it's a win-win situation, she's obviously wary of it. Nothing is that easy. "And would that count as my IOU?"

"Ain't no mo' IOU. Gambit don' t'ink you owin' him would work out t' well." At least, not in the long run. After all, he is an almost always wanted man. It's a good thing this city is tore up from the floor up and the FBI isn't looking for him right now. "But, since you managin' t' show me a good time, I figure what de harm in askin' ya' t' come back is." Aw, could it be that Mr. LeBeau is a little lonely? That has to be it. Or does he finally have that bad of a hand?

Could he be lonely? Enough that he wants the company of a random eighteen year old who just snuck her way into a bar? Who knows. It's not that bad of a gamble and she'd prefer that to owing him something. Plus, Kitty also has the option of just never coming back. This man doesn't know who she is. "I guess I could agree to that deal." Maybe his hand isn't that good, but he seems to confident to begin with. And it would be a shame to come all this way and not get a drink out of it.

"Sound good t' me, petit. I go get you dat drink now." Gambit flashes a smile and hops up from the table, dropping his cards down to let them fall face up. As he walks off towards the bar, it can be plainly seen that since her removal of his seventh card, that the other three are all matched up, nice and pretty. He never even had to Go Fish. Snap!

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