This is in no way an official thing, it's just something that I made up to help myself write a background. I just wanted to share in case other people have trouble. What I do is answer the questions as if I was the character I'm apping. Once I get into it, it really helps with the background writing process.
How old are you?
When were you born?
How old were you when you found out you were a mutant?
How old do you look to others?
Are you more or less mature than you seem?
What was unique about your childhood?
What do you remember about your early years?
What forged your basic motivations and attitudes?
Where did you go to school?
Were you a good student?
Who were your immediate family members?
What is your clearest childhood memory?
Did you go to High school? College?
Did you have a hometown, or did your family move often?
Ever run away from home?
Did you play sports?
Did any of your childhood friendships last until adulthood?
What kind of person are you?
Are you a kind and gentle person, or an arrogant bastard?
Are you popular, or a social outcast?
Did that change after you mutated?
Did you have a family?
How do you earn a living?
Do you have any real friends? Or just acquaintances?
What keeps you going from day to day?
What was your first brush with Mutant-kind?
Did you have an opinion about homo-superior before you mutated?
Had you ever met a mutant before?
When you met one, were you scared? Curious? Angry?
How did the mutation end up changing you?
Did the Sentinels catch you?
Was the mutation painful?
Did you get pleasure from it?
Were you frightened?
Did it somehow feel right?
Were you grateful for your difference? Or do you want to kill yourself because of it?
Did you have a teacher and how did they treat you?
What do you know of your teacher?
Was s/he forceful, abusive, cryptic, or open?
Why do you think s/he chose you?
How long did you stay with him/her?
Where did you stay when you were finished training?
Where did you go?
Did you meet any other mutants while with your teacher?
Did your teacher take any more students?
Do you often judge others by the opinions of your teacher?
Were you presented to a mutant society?
Did their leader welcome you?
Was he reluctant to accept you?
Did prominent mutants need to be bribed or threatened before accepting you?
Are you on the run from authorities? Or are you registered?
Did a mutant gang accept you? Were you bullied, threatened, beaten?
Were you meant to be cannon fodder for the war at first?
Did you hold a special role from the start?
Did you get initiated?
How did you meet those you associate with?
Were you brought together by chance, or design?
Are you united in purpose, working toward the same goal?
How long have you been together?
Did you know them before you mutated?
Do your groups cooperate? Or are they rivals?
Do any of you share the same trainers?
What keeps you together when things are at their worst?
Where is your home?
Where do you rest your head at night?
Do you have a permanent home, or do you migrate from day to day?
Do you stay in or near the place you inhabited before you mutated?
Do you retain any connections to your pre-mutant life?
Do you still watch over relatives or friends from afar?
Do you pretend to still be human?
Have you abandoned your family entirely?
What motivates you?
Are you bent on revenge?
Do you long for a normal life?
Do you have ambitions among mutant society?
Do you just want to be left alone?
Do you wish to take any students?
Are you involved with mutant/human conflict?
If you could have any one thing in the world, what would it be?